The Future Pack Challenge is a new challenge launched by the Marchesini Group in collaboration with BOOM to revolutionize the world of pharmaceutical packaging. The initiative arises from the desire to use open innovation techniques and methodologies to attract students from different European and non-European countries in various fields of engineering disciplines.

The challenge is addressed to university students pursuing master’s degrees in specific fields, including mechanical, electronic, managerial, chemical, and pharmaceutical engineering.

The aim is to create revolutionary packaging solutions, incorporating new machinery, innovative packaging methodologies, product format designs, and enhanced user experiences in pharmacies.

The challenge spans six months, from application to the final proposal presentation. The winning team will be declared during a special event – the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Marchesini Group.

The approach of the challenge not only enhances students’ original and innovative ideas by giving them an opportunity to turn them into tangible projects, but it will also be a great opportunity for the Marchesini Group to discover new talents from around the world and desirably even attract them to the company. As Valentina Marchesini, Member of the Board, Marketing & Human Resources Director of Marchesini Group, states in this video.

The Future Pack Challenge aligns perfectly with the innovative and collaborative spirit of the European pharmaceutical industry and institutions that prioritize groundbreaking research and the integration of cutting-edge technologies. the unprecedented challenges posed by recent global health crises have underscored the importance of swift, adaptive responses in pharmaceutical research and development, as well as the necessity of aligning closely with regulatory frameworks to ensure patient access to new therapies. As Piero Iamartino, President of EIPG elucidates in this video, these efforts have catalyzed significant advancements and fostered a culture of innovation and collaboration across Europe, setting a new standard for the industry’s future.

Focusing on open innovation to attract young people and do employer branding is a very important trend, increasingly adopted by companies that innovate and have a need and interest in attracting and recruiting new young people as tells Lorella Chiusoli, Experienced Human Resources Manager and HR director of Crif.

In the spirit of fostering active and effective student engagement, the role of a mentor becomes crucial. The mentor has to be not just a guide but a vital catalyst for innovation and creativity among the participants of the Future Pack Challenge as eloquently explained by Luca Romizi, Product Manager in Marchesini Group.